
The study of psychology involves both the social and physical sciences.  In Psychology class, you will gain tools and insight into human behavior and relationships, as well as examining the functions of the brain. We will also be studying the origins and applications of prevalent psychological theories.

Psychologists have a professional organization, the American Psychological Association, APA. The APA has set guidelines for high school psychology classes that will be followed. To that end, there is a textbook which is organized around the APA guidelines. The APA defined the following five domains, which are divided into 15 content areas.

  • Introduction to Research Methods.
  • Biopsychological: the biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, and stress, coping and health. 
  • Cognitive: Learning, memory, thinking and language, and the states of consciousness. 
  • Developmental and it examines the way we develop and mature. 
  • Sociocultural: individual differences, personality and assessment, psychological disorders, treatment of disorders and the social and cultural dimensions of behavior.

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Wednesday February 2, 2022